by siteadmin | Jun 24, 2022 | Business Owner Tips, Live Answering Service, Missed Calls
Missing calls in a business can damage your reputation and result in a significant loss of revenue. Over 80 percent of business communications occur through phone calls. For that reason, you must never miss incoming calls in your business. You must pay close attention...
by siteadmin | Jun 17, 2022 | Live Answering Service, Property Management, Real Estate
As a property owner or manager, you can invest in an answering service for landlords. Property management involves several tasks, including screening tenants, collecting rents, performing repairs and maintenance, filling vacant units, and responding to emergencies....
by siteadmin | Jun 10, 2022 | All
HVAC systems are common in residential and commercial properties. Hiring an HVAC virtual receptionist is essential. As an HVAC technician, you’ll receive phone calls from people calling you to install, repair, or service their heating, ventilation, air conditioning,...
by siteadmin | Jun 3, 2022 | All
As a business that handles a large call volume from clients, you must implement a reliable call center strategy to improve customer experience. All the incoming calls in a business are important, and that’s why you must never miss or divert any of them. Your call...