by siteadmin | Feb 21, 2020 | Customer Service, Energy, Industry Solutions, Nonprofit, Small Business, Veterinary, Virtual Answering Service
Are you overwhelmed by the number of calls coming into your business? If you’re missing calls after business hours or because of occupied staff, you might be one of the industries that will benefit from a virtual answering service. From oil and gas companies to...
by siteadmin | Jan 31, 2020 | Industry Solutions, Live Answering Service, Nonprofit, Services
Nonprofit organizations are driven by passion and the individuals who are called to make a difference. With so much work to put into action, there’s often not much wiggle room for answering each phone call that comes through. Fortunately, non-profit answering services...
by siteadmin | May 10, 2019 | Live Answering Service, Live On-Demand, Nonprofit
Is your nonprofit organization missing calls or worse, losing valuable money spent on an in-house receptionist? You can free up resources and cut back on budget spending with a quality phone answering service for nonprofits. If your organization is struggling to keep...
by siteadmin | Jan 18, 2019 | Energy, Healthcare, Industry Solutions, Nonprofit, Real Estate, Services, Small Business, Veterinary
Regardless of the size or industry of your business, outsourcing your phone services is a valuable business concept that deserves serious consideration. In addition to saving money and being able to offer great customer service 24/7, there are many other advantages to...
by siteadmin | Sep 21, 2018 | Nonprofit, Services
The nonprofit industry and rapidly grown, with new organizations popping up left and right, many with similar causes and programs. The universal use of smartphones has decreased people’s attention spans, making it harder for nonprofits to stand out and get their...