5 Reasons a Receptionist is So Important to Your Business

Who is the most important person in your business? Most people would assume it’s the CEO, but in truth the most important person is the one your customers converse with on a regular basis. In all likelihood, your receptionist.  Your receptionist creates the first impression that a client or visitor has when they call your business. Make sure it’s a good one! Share on X

Why You Need a Receptionist

75% of callers will hang up if they’re sent to voicemail. That’s a lot of missed opportunities! A receptionist is much more than the voice on the other end of the line. It’s an extension of your business and reflects your professionalism (or lack thereof).

  1. Productivity
  2. Professionalism
  3. Cost Effectiveness
  4. Organization
  5. First Impressions

1) Productivity

No matter the size of your business, a receptionist will improve the productivity of you and your staff. Not only will the receptionist handle the constant interruptions of phones ringing, but should be able to deliver messages and prioritize projects for the entire staff so that nothing falls between the cracks.

2) Professionalism

A trained receptionist will be familiar with and able to understand the unique jargon and processes of your business. This allows them to converse with customers, contractors and other callers without seeming flustered or unsure.

3) Cost Effectiveness

Think you can’t afford a receptionist? Hiring staff is one of the biggest expenses for most small and medium businesses. Salaries, benefits, equipment, and other related expenses can add up to a big yearly spend. Depending on your call volume, you may want to consider a live answering service, which provides you with a professional off-site receptionist that is trained in your specific business.

4) Organization

As a business owner you have a lot on your plate. It’s impossible to juggle your daily tasks with the duties of a receptionist all on your own. A receptionist eliminates phone interruptions, prioritizes each call and is able to present you with an organized overview of every interaction they have.

5) First Impressions

Your company receptionist is usually the first person customers interact with, which makes them hugely important. Answering the phone yourself when people call your business number can be a bit off putting and may signal that your operations are on a very small-scale.A receptionist projects an image of a well-oiled machine.

No More Missed Opportunities

A company’s CEO may set the tone for the culture and brand, but it’s the staff that reinforces it with the clients.  Top companies know that their customers’ experiences start with the person who answers the phone! Missed calls can mean missed business opportunities, so hiring someone to answer the phone any time, even on holidays, is a big plus for any company.

Contact Us to learn more about how answering services can enhance your image.