Live On-Demand Answering Service
Our live on-demand answering service is the perfect solution for any business requiring a live receptionist on standby. You get all of our automated delivery options plus the personal touch of a professional and friendly live operator.
We’ll work with you to develop the right balance between automated menu selection and live answering services to meet the demand of your clients.
On-demand answering services will leverage your budget with cost savings technology while quickly and seamlessly routing your most important incoming calls to a live operator.
Looking for another cost-effective telephone answering service without the live feature? VoiceLink Communications has a virtual receptionist solution customized just for you.
- Your calls are answered on the first ring with your company’s customized automated greeting.
- Urgent and priority callers are prompted to press “0” and then transferred to a live operator who will personally assist them according to your exact instructions.
- Additional live answering service options can be added, for example, press 1 for a directory, press 2 for hours of operation, etc.
- Cost-effective solution
- Efficient, professional, and worry-free
- High-quality customer service