Virtual Answering Service
Our virtual answering service is designed for the budget-minded professional who needs a more dependable alternative to simple voicemail for important phone calls.
By integrating a variety of automated telecom and internet technologies, we designed a service that can do virtually everything a live answering service can do at a fraction of the cost.

Virtual answering is a cost-effective and feature-rich service with capabilities that far surpass conventional voicemail.
- On-Call Schedules – the right person is always notified with the right message at the right time
- Live Call Transfer – Your important callers may be transferred directly to you
- Telephone Notification – Calls you directly with your urgent messages
- Pager Notification – Pages you to notify you of a pending message
- Broadcast Messaging – Messages may be recorded in one voicemail box and distributed to as many additional boxes as needed
- 24-hour Technical Support – We personally manage your system around the clock
Call Us Today
See how affordable a truly dependable service can be, or simply complete this form for a hassle-free quote.
Call: 713-942-1600
Fill out my online form.